Holy Spirit Catholic School
Guided by faith, grounded in knowledge
Superintendent: Father Bill Hill
307.362.2611 - billhill@theholyspiritparish.com
Principal: Dr. Angie Spann
307.362.6077 - hscs2@wyoming.com
President: Mark St. Marie
307.362.7883 - markst4@hotmail.com
Vice-President: Blaine Tate
307.371.0292 - blainejtate@hotmail.com
Secretary: Amber Kramer
307.371.4406 - amber.e.kramer@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Heather Anderson
307.350.6868 - heatherandersonwyo@gmail.com
Alice Paul
307.362.7490 or 307.389.4909 - apaul@sweetwaterhsa.com
Max Mickelson
Parish Liaison: Holli Radakovich
307.389.38476 - hollirad@hotmail.com
Advisory Board Meetings are the 4th Monday of each month at 6 pm at the OLS Parish Center.
Advisory Board
Copyright Holy Spirit Catholic School. All rights reserved.