Guided by faith, grounded in knowledge

Have questions? Contact the school.  Interested in applying? Fill out an admission inquiry:


Rate5% Discount*
3% Discount**
1 Student$4000


2 Students$6400$6080
3 Students$8040$7638
4 Students$8640$8208

Note: The 5% discount and 3% discount totals have been rounded to the nearest dollar amount.

*5% discount given if payment of entire tuition is received by September 1st of the new school year.

**3% discount if entire balance is paid ½ by September 1st and ½ by Jan. 5th. Discount given on 2nd half of payment.

2025-2026 Enrollment Information: NEW Families

Start by filling out an Admission Application. Families will then receive an email letting them know whether they can continue in the enrollment process or will be placed on a waitlist. The rest of the procedures along with needed documentation can be found in the New Family Enrollment Packet (coming soon!). Pre-Kindergarten must be four (4) years of age on or before the 15th of August of the enrolling year. Child must be toilet trained and independent in the restroom. Kindergarten must be five (5) years of age on or before the 15th of August of the enrolling year. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the school. 


Fact: It costs approximately $9000 to educate one student at Holy Spirit Catholic School. Tuition and enrollment fees cover 40% of costs to run the school with guaranteed additional funds coming from the Foundation, Home & School Association, and parish subsidy cover 51%. The remaining 9% comes from other sources that change from year to year.


  • ​Book Fees: $190
  • Activity Fees: $40
  • Technology Fee: $35
  • Home & School Dues: $10
  • Yearbook: $25



*Non-refundable enrollment fee must be paid with your application in order for us to hold a seat for your student for next year.

Additional Fees:​ The tuition management system we use requires an additional one-time processing fee based on the tuition plan you select:

  • Yearly & Semester payment plans: $40
  • 10 month payment plan: $55

​This will need to be paid within the system at the time the tuition agreement is signed.

Steps in Becoming a Student:

1. Apply for admission & schedule a tour. The tour acts as a means to answer questions and see the school. It also is an informal interview for the admission process.

2. If you are admitted, you will receive instructions to begin the enrollment process.

2025-2026 Enrollment Information: Current Families

Beginning March 1st, current families can enroll for the 24-25 school year. We are moving to a new system and so you will receive an email with links to register your student(s).