Holy Spirit Catholic School
Guided by faith, grounded in knowledge
St. Gabriel the Archangel
Motto: God is my strength.
Keys to Success (What can we learn from them?):
Color: Blue
Symbol: Lantern (illumination); Trumpet (messenger); Water (reflection)
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Motto: Let your heart not be disturbed
Keys to Success (What can we learn from them?):
Color: Yellow
Symbol: Sun (Power of God); Stars (Heaven sent); Angel (Queenly)
St. Francis of Assisi
Motto: Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Keys to Success (What can we learn from them?):
Color: Red
Symbol: Dove (divine peace); Cross (devotion to Jesus)
St. Joan of Arc
Motto: Go forward bravely, fear nothing, trust in God all will be well.
Keys to Success (What can we learn from them?):
Color: Green
Symbol: Sword (Loyalty); Cross (faith); Crown (honesty)
The Families
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